Key elements of Eltham Central precincts

  • New development will employ earthy muted tones, natural building materials and innovative design.
  • Buildings will not exceed the predominant tree canopy height and while visible from the street, their appearance will be softened though landscaping.
  • Building forms will be modest and compact in scale and avoid excessive bulk through the use of articulation, low roof pitches, and other design elements.
  • Vegetation, both native and exotic canopy trees, will dominate long distance views, the skyline of streetscape views, and front gardens.
  • There will be little physical evidence of the boundary between private and public property at the front of buildings, and no solid fences.


Neighbourhood Character of Eltham Central precinct objectives are:

  • To maintain the dominance of canopy trees and the existing mix of native and exotic vegetation, including the understorey.

In addition to the specific objectives, all precincts in Eltham and Eltham North also have the following objectives:

  • To maintain the existing vegetation including canopy trees.
  • To minimise detrimental impacts on the landscape from site erosion and excavation.
  • To ensure buildings do not dominate the streetscape.
  • To ensure that car parking areas, garages and carports do not dominate sites when viewed from the street.
  • To maintain and enhance the continuous flow of the garden settings and the openness of the front boundary treatment.


What aspects of your area are most important to you? What do you think should be protected and enhanced?

Have your say before your neighbourhood changes so that the things you like about it must be taken into consideration in future Council planning decisions.

You can either complete a survey or write what you think should happen in your own words and then upload your written submission at

Wondering what Neighbourhood Character actually means? Find out here.